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Lost In Words
Short Fiction Competition

Rules Of The Competition

  1. Stories must be original fiction written by the person submitting an entry.
  2. Stories must be in English.
  3. Stories must be typed and double-spaced.
  4. Stories may not be less than 1,000 words or exceed 4,000 words in length.
  5. There are no theme or genre restrictions.
  6. Copyright remains the property of the author.
  7. The competition is open to all writers internationally.
  8. Your story must not have appeared in any publication with a circulation of 5,000 or more copies.
  9. Your story must not have been published by an online magazine or have been self-published as part of a larger work that has had a total of more than 5,000 views.
  10. Stories must be submitted online in PDF format only via our Submission Form.
  11. Writers may submit a maximum of 2 entries.
  12. Writers must notify us if their story is accepted for publication or wins an award, places, or receives an Honourable Mention in another competition prior to announcement of our Winners on 15 July 2022.
  13. The author’s name must not appear on their story as entries will be judged anonymously. 
  14. Stories must be works of fiction.
  15. Stories must be submitted prior to the deadline on 24th June 2022, 11:59pm AEST (Sydney, Australia).
  16. Any submission which does not meet all of these requirements will be disqualified without notice.
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