I am a storyteller, an expresser of the heart, mind, and body. The art, performances, and storytelling that absorb me most, and the work that I aim to create, has heart, conviction, craftsmanship, rawness, and goes beyond the usual. Excited and curious by all the possible ways that one can tell stories, share ideas, show beauty and vulnerability, and create dialogue, I wonder where these curiosities will take me.
Apart from acting, I have a directed a few projects and have been writing behind the scenes. I know that this will be something that I continue to do and build upon. I am also an Associate Producer for an Art and Animation Studio.
As I write this, I am a few days away from performing in the theatre production of Kahlil Gibran’s, Lazarus and His Beloved and The Blind. This has been one of the most challenging pieces I’ve had to work on. It has challenged and tested my craftsmanship as an actor. The pieces demanded that I level up in order to create a performance that deserved the stage and that I could be proud of. This is not me being a perfectionist, but someone who wants to challenge herself as an actor and creator.
This has been a meaningful experience because it has taught me more about the kind of actor I want to be. Who else to challenge me other than the imaginative work of Kahlil Gibran.
I was a CIFLI Pioneer in 2021, one of the first intake of participants in Undo Redo's incubator for creative industry businesses. This came after some coaching with Arts Business Academy. Plus, I performed in World Monologue Games as a Regional Finalist, so I've worked with a few of Undo Redo's brands.
Steffi's career highlight
To continue to create, grow, and live.
2023 was mainly focused on theatre productions. I'd like to shift focus into film in 2024. I've been able to build and be a part of a great community of creatives who are all eager to make our own work and opportunities. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with more and more creators who are driven and dedicated to their craft. I will continue to grow and expand in my work, create original content, and be in a constant flow that propels me forward.