Undo Redo Entertainment is driven by an important mission
Find out more about our "why" and meet our core team
 Undo Redo Entertainment has two main functions: to provide entertainment, and to develop the maturity of the creative industries through a broad range of initiatives. 
 Managing Director Pete Malicki started his career in the creative industries as a fiction author and playwright. He writes for a wide audience, always aiming for strong stories that are first and foremost entertaining. Pete's passion for innovation led to him setting up a number of creative industry businesses: World Monologue Games, The Monologue Project, Arts Business Academy, the Creative Industries Future Leaders Incubator etc. Undo Redo Entertainment pulls all of these initiatives together, creating new synergies, efficiencies and opportunities.

At our core, Undo Redo Entertainment is about strengthening the creative sector. 

Anyone who's so much as dipped their toes into the creative industries knows it's a struggle to succeed, but this is often misdiagnosed as being due to a lack of finances. In reality, this is a symptom and not the cause. The underlying issues are the wrong drivers to succeed economically and a lack of professional expertise.

The wrong driver (for financial success)

The driver in business is often simple: to make money. Most people going into business for themselves are trying to A) make a living, and B) do a thing. We may love what we do, but we gear the business around making a profit or at least earning a living.

In the creative industries, we tend to stick to B) do a thing. The driver is to create, to tell stories, to make art, to entertain, to feel the rush of performing, to change minds, to influence. Wanting to make a living is very much secondary.

While you can't say there's a right or wrong reason for wanting to be a creative artist, there are definitely good and bad ways to make a living. If you want to enter one of the most competitive industries in the world – either as an individual creator or as an arts business – you're not going to do very well without a robust and realistic financial strategy.

A sector-wide problem isn't easy for a small company to fix, but we're trying to contribute in a range of ways:
Teaching business and career development skills
 Undo Redo Entertainment runs two businesses which revolve around developing creative artists' professional skillsets: Arts Business Academy and the Creative Industries Future Leaders Incubator (CIFLI).

Arts Business Academy — offers skills development and business courses for creatives. Our year-long course, Arts Mastery, is undoubtedly the most comprehensive career development e-learning course that exists for artists, with 300+ resources on more than 100 topics delivered over a full year.

CIFLI — this is a leadership course and business incubator with a simple focus: to set up financially sustainable businesses in the creative industries. Our particular emphasis is to bring new money into the industry, i.e. to build new audiences rather than selling the same audiences new content (which only moves money around). 
Setting up new initiatives
 Generating new activity is another great way to invigorate the sector. World Monologue Games and World Monologue Film Festival offer actors and filmmakers the chance to create new work, be seen by a large audience, make connections with other creatives and win cash.

We create conditions to allow those in developed nations to participate in exactly the same way and have the exact same chances of success as those in the world's wealthiest nations.  
Incentivising career development
 Arts Business Academy developed the Creative Career Health Check, an online rating system for career health in the creative industries.

In short, this tool allows creatives to understand how well their career is going compared to the average artist, gives them ideas on how to improve their outcomes, and allows them to track their progress over time.
Rating systems work. They drive continuous improvement and lift standards.  
Bringing in new money
 Our first CIFLI project is based around a completely new, never-before-done way of selling content. The whole idea is to attract new customers to content that doesn't have a paying market.
Grants for business excellence
 Arts Business Academy also offers grants for creative industries businesses which can demonstrate a pathway towards financial sustainability.

Funding bodies often 'give fish', rather than 'teach a man to fish'. Rather than giving money to people so they can make a thing once, we give money to people

Our grants are not part of any government program and are effectively donations to strengthen the industry. We're on a mission to donate $1,000,000 of cash and services. 
We are a small company with only our own resources. Despite this, we are working towards lifting the standards in the industry on a global scale.
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Meet our Executive team
Managing Director + Head of Content
Pete is a creative industries leader and a corporate project manager, as well as a respected and highly successful creative artist. His passion is helping individuals and organisations make more money from their creative ventures.

Key creative industry achievements include:

  • 1,100+ play productions in 20+ countries, 30 major awards
  • Executive Director, animation series Bad Powers
  • Principal, Arts Business Academy
  • Founder, World Monologue Games, World Monologue Film Festival + The Monologue Project
  • Co-Founder, Sydney Foreign Actors Association
  • 5x Festival Director, Short+Sweet Sydney
  • 9 years as Literary Manager, Short+Sweet International
  • Film + Theatre Director (70+ productions) + Producer
Finance Director + Continuous Improvement Specialist
Lisa has a 20-year corporate background as a senior analyst, project specialist and chartered professional accountant mainly in the FMCG sector. Her last corporate role was as a Senior Manager in Continuous Improvement, managing 13 staff across two countries. She is a driven leader who achieves results.

Lisa is also an expert at systems and automation, able to quickly identify and improve process inefficiencies to decrease an individual or organisation's operational effort.

Outside of her professional life, Lisa is a painter and animation director, having co-directed and co-produced Bridezilla with ex-Disney animators.
Pete Malicki
Managing Director + Head of Content

Pete is a creative industries leader and a corporate project manager, as well as a respected and highly successful creative artist. His passion is helping individuals and organisations make more money from their creative ventures.

Key creative industry achievements include:

  • 1,100+ play productions in 20+ countries, 30 major awards
  • Executive Director, animation series Bad Powers
  • Principal, Arts Business Academy
  • Founder, World Monologue Games, World Monologue Film Festival + The Monologue Project
  • Co-Founder, Sydney Foreign Actors Association
  • 5x Festival Director, Short+Sweet Sydney
  • 9 years as Literary Manager, Short+Sweet International
  • Film + Theatre Director (70+ productions) + Producer
Lisa Nguyen
Finance Director + Continuous Improvement Specialist

Lisa has a 20-year corporate background as a senior analyst, project specialist and chartered professional accountant mainly in the FMCG sector. Her last corporate role was as a Senior Manager in Continuous Improvement, managing 13 staff across two countries. She is a driven leader who achieves results.

Lisa is also an expert at systems and automation, able to quickly identify and improve process inefficiencies to decrease an individual or organisation's operational effort.

Outside of her professional life, Lisa is a painter and animation director, having co-directed and co-produced Bridezilla with ex-Disney animators.
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